
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rethink your drink...

So all of us Sleek Geeks are making a real effort in terms of selecting healthier options when choosing food and thinking more consciously about what we consume.

We all tend to eat too much sugar, we crave it, and we've all agreed that it's NOT good for us, hence - we're doing the Sleek Geek Comeback Kid Challenge.

It was not until i saw this picture below that i REALLY understood the amount of sugar in a soft-drink - something that we've all had from time to time.

This image, a relatively simple way to demonstrate the quantities of sugar in drinks, made me ask the question: We wont eat 40g of sugar with a spoon, so why do we drink it out of a can of Coke...?

Not to mention a can of Coke, mixed with alcohol like Brandy or Vodka on a night out on the town...? And we dont just stick to ONE drink - we have multiple...

Soft drinks are the leading source of added sugar in our diet, so then we think oh, we'll go for a healthier option like Fruit Juice or Iced tea - but many bottled teas and juice drinks are also loaded with sugar. 

I personally made the mistake of "only' drinking fruit juice for a good year or two - which resulted in me gaining weight and not understanding why.

And honey... dont fool yourself thinking Vitamin Water is a healthy option either... 

I ended up being quite fascinated with this topic and found a really cool website that demonstrates the amount of sugar in food and drinks... which will definitely make me rethink my drink next time i'm thirsty.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I guess no pain, no gain...

I started picking up heavier weights again yesterday and this morning - and believe me, i can feel it!

My shoulders, back, chest and arms are in such pain today that even a simple task like getting dressed turns out to be a rather painful exercise.

And then there are shin splits too from swapping the treadmill for an outdoor run this morning. I didnt think the difference between running indoor vs running out on a grass track would be so severe - but it's quite something let me tell you!

Even with my new Reebok Zigtech trainers, i could feel every single bump on the track... but then again, it was pretty cool to take in some fresh morning air so early in the morning.

As we're about to end Week 3 in 2 days' time, i need to start focusing on my diet a lot more seriously...

I've been good in terms what i eat - but I think i need to be a LOT more strict.

Cooking at home - and cooking for one - tends to be a bit of a frustration for me because it either means that i'm eating the same meal 5 times a week - or that good fresh food gets chucked away and wasted because i dont consume it fast enough.

I've been thinking about trying out a company called Lean Food Works to do weekly personal meal planning and catering for me... Check out their website if you, like me, are struggling to keep up with the demands of a strict eating routine.

So, with all the complaining out of the way - I think the only way to look at it is by realising that you will never know your limits unless you push yourself to them.

Happy Hump Day!


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What moves you...?

Since i started this blog a few weeks ago, quite a few people have come up to me to say that they've ready my blog and that they quite like the way it's written and how it motivates them.

I guess, in some way, that was the intention behind it all.

Not only does it serve as a reminder to myself about this Sleek Geek journey i'm on, but it's also to inspire others by sharing what i'm going through on both a physical- and emotional level.

There are so many inspirational stories on the Sleek Geek site but this past weekend, i ran into an ex colleague, who inspired ME!

I havent seen him in a while, but when i bumped into him at a birthday party on Saturday, I barely recognised him.

Kyle had lost an astonishing 35kg's!

When i asked him why, he told me the truth. He needed to!

And as hard as the reality he faced was, he sure made a GREAT job of it... and again, it proved, if HE can, then so can I !!!

Just like my other blog, - which is my journey of self-discovery and recovery from a difficult phase in my life, I can only hope to inspire others through sharing my story.

My story might not be as drastic from overly obese to thin in 8 weeks, and I have no intention of calling myself a 'bodybuilder' after this - but my story is an honest, objective account of what Average Joe experiences during challenges like these.

Me, working at it, this morning at gym...

Oprah once said that her constant prayer for herself is to be used in service for the greater good... And i share that sentiment.

Everything in my instinct tells me that I should be doing something, I should be lending a hand.

I should be sharing my story, I should listen to others and i should help make a change where i can.

And i think Elan has hit the nail on the head with Sleek Geek. His goal is to inspire 100 000 South Africans to transform themselves and lead a better quality life.

I'm only one of 100 000 but judging by the followers on Twitter and Facebook and the interaction between the Sleek Geek community, that goal is very achievable.

You've all read about my bad days. My fat and ugly days. But you've read about my good days too. The days where i saw change. Where i felt it...

That is what moves me. To share this with others out there, who like me, have often felt that they're alone in this and wanted to give up but pushed through - because we can!

So, ask yourself. What moves you?

What makes you get up in the morning to go to gym? What makes you choose that healthy meal over junk food? What pushes you to pick up a weight slightly heavier than the day before.

I look forward to looking back at this challenge...

Like Gandhi said... "Be the change you want to see in the world..."

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sunday Confession

Like any good Catholic, I guess it's confession time...

Why? Because i'm human... and although I'm trying hard here, I did let slip over the weekend.

Today marks the start of week 3 of the Sleek Geek "Comeback Kid" challenge, and so far it's been a pretty cool journey.

I've been a good boy. Up until this weekend, that is.

It all started with an invite to a birthday party on Saturday afternoon - followed by another event on Saturday evening...

Although i didnt overindulge on alcohol consumption, i did break my own rules this weekend by having two...three... maybe four drinks...

And then i guess i have to confess about the Wimpy Burger and Chips at 3am Sunday morning... on the way home too...

I did pop a fat-burner after though... Guilty conscience i guess...hahaha...

Up until this point, i've been very strict in terms of my diet and not drinking so i had to work extra hard at gym this morning to get rid of the toxins...

Look, you're going to have cravings. You're going to want to have a drink. You're going to want to eat something bad...  But if you do, know that there are consequences and that you have to work extra hard to get back on track.

The funny thing is, even though i've only been in this challenge for 2 weeks, already my body struggled to digest the burger and my tolerance for alcohol was much lower which meant that I spent Sunday recovering a bit more than what i normally would have... It's poison let me tell you... Poison.

So here's to a clean page.

Three hail Mary's and an extra 20 minutes on the treadmill...

(Oh... and i'm not really Catholic..)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

If they can, so can I - Those Before and After stories

My alarm woke me up at 05h00, i got up, had a pre-workout drink, brushed my teeth, got dressed and left for gym only to realise that the mood i woke up with yesterday is long gone.

I was driving along, singing... at 05h30 in the morning... *chuckle*

Amazing what those endorphins can do hey!

Arrived at gym and had a good arms work-out with Graunt.

NOT the greatest pic, you were right G! ;-)

Late last night, i had a telephonic conversation with a friend, a former male pageant winner, who himself went through a complete body transformation, and we discussed my previous blog entry on feeling a bit 'fat and ugly' - but how I feel so much better now.

I then told him that i still struggle to look at the "before" pictures i posted on my blog and used as part of my Sleek Geek Entry but then he told me how important it is to have those little reminders of where we came from to keep the focus on our goals.

His before and after pics served as a great inspiration.  What inspired me more was that he used that transformation for the greater good, applying himself to become a role model to others, inspire others and most definitely change the lives of others.

Having seen his transformation from fat to fit made me realise yet again, if he can do it, then so can i.

The progress that i've made in a mere two weeks is noticeable enough to keep me going - because i want to see more!

Then i took another picture to compare with my first pic - to which my friend jokingly replied "You need to get a tan".
A great source of daily motivation has been the results of other people that Elan posts on the Sleek Geek Facebook group as well as on the SG Website.

And through other websites i've seen young and old, male and female, fat and thin, all races - everyone transforming their lives through being active.

That left me with one thought - If they can, so can i...

Watch this space,


(here are a few other transformation pics, just because...)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"But i dont wanna..."

As per my Video Diary post this morning, I really struggled to get myself going today. To get out of bed, to wake up properly, to get myself motivated to get into the car and go to gym...

I had a brief moment where i had one shoe on and the other shoe off and i was like... "But i dont wanna..."

Then i looked myself in the mirror, pulled myself together, got into the car and had a good work-out.

I think, like most things in life, you need time to adjust to a change in routine.

New habits, apparently, take 21 days to form.

About 50% of our everyday lives is habitual. While we're awake, then, about half the time we are repeating the same actions or thoughts in the same contexts. Automatically. Without thinking.

It's part of the reason change is so hard.

So here i was, normally sleeping till 8am and grabbing pizzas and beers with my mates in down-time... or just watching some TV...  And here I'm now - actually changing my routine on a larger scale.

I've changed my sleeping patters, my diet, my gym routine (or the lack thereof...), my social life... all to become a little more focused on the results I'm trying to achieve here.

Considering that I'm only in the early parts of week two of the challenge, I completely understand where this "But i dont wanna" thing came from.

It hasn't become a habit yet.

But after training this morning and getting the endorphins flowing, I felt better and was glad that I actually made it to gym.

The reality is, habits are easier to make than they are to break. If you repeat a behavior often enough, those synaptic pathways are going to get worn in. The human brain is a very adaptive piece of machinery.

So here's to tomorrow... Let's make this a habit!

Watch this space,

Video Diary - One of THOSE mornings...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 8 - Those little injuries

Oh those little injuries...

I'm not saying this out loud, but the reason why i've been walking with a little bit of a limp the last few days is because I went for a run with my new trainers and got a bad blister from it... But listen, that apart, those Zigtech Reeboks are freaking awesome!

Then, this morning while doing back exercises,  i noticed a pinched nerve between my shoulder blades - whether it's from yesterday's chest exercise or from sleeping in a bad position, i could really feel it... But then again, nothing that a good massage cant fix.

We've all sustained injuries in the past that we never really paid good attention to at the time, and as we get older, they start haunting us.

My problem is my lower back.

In 2005, during a trip to the Caribbean, i sustained a back injury at an "island night" themed party - where i did the limbo... (Insert laughing sounds here)

The alcohol sort of numbed the pain that night, i was 23, remember, but a day later, i couldnt feel my legs.

I damaged the cushions between L3 and L4 which cost me months of physio therapy to recover but 8 years later, the after-effects of that injury are still clearly evident when doing exercise or driving long distance etc.

Now, at the age of 31, i'm taking extreme caution of my back - and again, this is why i'm stressing how important the correct form and technique is. Like i said yesterday, it's NOT always about the weight of the weight...

We're going strong on day 8. I'm feeling noticeable differences in the way my clothes fit. My jeans feel a little looser, i've had to tighten my belt through another hole and my shirts are hanging a lot more loose.

Physically a lot of changes have been going on with my body... but mentally too - I sleep better at night, I feel a lot more focused, I'm generally happier and in a better mood... So clearly something good must be going on.

Oh...and the protein shakes have started tasting a little better...

Watch this space,

Monday, February 18, 2013

It's not always about the weight of the weight...

Being completely new at all of this, I've always felt quite intimidated by walking into the free weights section at gym, avoiding it at all cost, only using machines and cardio equipment.

This was because i felt, there is no way in hell that i'll ever be able to pick up "those" weights...

When i started training with Graunt, he had already been quite seasoned at training in the free weight section and walking into that area with him made it seem a little less daunting.

During the first week of the Comeback Kid Challenge, we spent every day working one of the muscle groups in that area.

Soon I started recognising the other people from the previous days, exchanging a smile or a hello - making me realise that these buff guys are actually not as bad-ass as they seemed from the Treadmill's side...

Initially it took some getting used to in terms of balance and form to get it right, but as soon as i had it down, i got more into it.

I started off with very low weights - because i was being cautious about hurting myself - but then Graunt said to me that it's not always about picking up the heaviest weight - do it gradually. 

What is more important however, is form and technique.

For the first set, I'd start on a very low weight, getting into the correct form and using the correct technique. Once i completed one or two sets with a low weight, using the correct form and technique, i'd try out a heavier weight for two more sets.

If i felt brave, I'd do set four at an even heavier weight but lowering my rep counts then.

And once i 'got it' - i started enjoying it. 

Fitness is supposed to be enjoyable. I'm definitely excited about looking better, having more energy and improving my overall personal well-being. 

Working out isn't difficult either and i've made a switch in my head to make it to the gym, make the most of my time there, try to become better, and experience a feel-good rush from the experience.

Watch this space!


Week 2 - Ready, Set, Go!

Today marks the start of Week 2 of the Comeback Kid Challenge.

Woke up this morning feeling a little bit beaten by the weekend... I had a round-the-clock schedule on Saturday filled with activities and two parties... and i will confess, i did slip and have a drink.

But then again, that didnt hurt me. All it meant was that i had to work a little extra harder this morning which i did.

Sunday I went for a swim at gym - treated it as a recovery / rest day but had an urge to be active... 

By now I'm relatively used to getting up early (5am) and being at gym by 6am. It does make me feel like i get a lot more done in daylight - whereas before i'd wake up at 8am, be at the office by 9am, go to gym at 6pm and only get home after dark.

Making conscious decisions about what i eat has also been going well - and drinking Protein Shakes and supplements are also less of a hassle than what i initially thought it would be.

It all comes down to planning.

Like i said before, i pre-pack everything the night before and have it ready by the time i wake up.

In terms of lunch and dinner, I cook a fresh meal every night but make enough to have for dinner and keep some for lunch for the following day. Alternatively, I have a Tuna salad or a Kauai wrap.

Heat 2 started today as well - and to those who have just started, push though! I'm looking forward to seeing who we're competing with!

Happy Monday!


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Why limit physical activity to the gym?

A lot of people tend to think that by being on a program like Sleek Geek, you have to go to gym every day.

Well, to be honest, not really.

Why limit physical activity just to gym?

I run a group called OUTdoorsJHB which basically promotes outdoor activities for like-minded guys based in the Joburg area.

In recent months I've gone Rap-Jumping, Rock Climbing, Trapeze Swinging and this past weekend we did a Canopy Tour in the Magalies.

When I was living in Cape Town, it was a lot easier to do more outdoor activities and i would often go for a run along the Seapoint promenade or get a bicycle from Point Virgin Active and take it for a ride all along the coast line to Clifton and back...

There's also the beautiful Green Point Park - which is something that makes us Joburgers very envious...

I guess all i'm trying to say is dont limit yourself. If you feel that gym gets a bit monotonous, go cycle with a cycle group or take a hike with a hiking group... But get out there!

Joburg, has a lot to offer and my purpose with OUTdoorsJHB is to spend less time in the same old restaurants, having the same meals, talking about the same things...

Apart from having fun, you'll get a great adrenalin rush, a good work-out and it's good for your mind too!

The trick is to find what makes you tick!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 5 - And we're going strong!

Human minds are the funniest thing...

At the end of Day 1 of the Comeback Kid Challenge, i looked in the mirror and i was like "what the hell... I got up at 5am, was in gym by 6am...and i still look fat..."

Somehow i expected overnight results - after one day... Silly, yes, i know... What made it worse was that i weighed myself that first morning of the challenge, and weighed 1.5kg's more than what i did a week earlier...

Did i honestly expect a result? No.

Did i feel like quitting? No.

Was i excited about the rest of the week? Yes!

So this made me think about other people giving up on challenges like these.

Is it because they expect results too soon? How soon is too soon? And by WHEN can you expect results?

Needless to say, i pushed through and finished day 5's training session this morning...

Afterwards i went for a shower, looked myself in the mirror and noticed slight changes in the outlines of my body. All of a sudden, there were little curves and bumps where it was just flat before.

Instead of a straight down upper body, there was a slight V...

Instead of a bloated tummy, it appeared flatter...

Instead of flat shoulders, they were rounded...

All of this within 5 days of training correctly with good form and technique and eating properly...

The thing is to keep yourself motivated. How do i do that?

Well, firstly, having Graunt as my training buddy helps a LOT!

Secondly, interacting with others Sleek Geekers on the Facebook page makes me feel that i'm not alone in this.

And then thirdly... I feel better about myself already! That alone is good enough motivation!

The first 5 days have been good. I've made a few very big changes in my daily routine: I wake up a whole 3 hours earlier, I go to gym daily, I've adjusted my eating habits and avoid unhealthy choices and I get to bed earlier.

I'm looking forward to what the next week has in store!

Go Geeks GO!

LS x

Oooh new shoes!

Another reason to take part in the Comeback Kid challenge, was the awesome R500 voucher off a pair of Reebok Zigtech footwear...  Mine arrived yesterday and been training in them since this morning.

Thanks for organising Elan & Reebok! 

Video Diary - Day 5 (Pre-Work out)

A little impatient because of improvement, i finally saw some change to the lines on my body when i stood in front of the mirror last night... All in only 4 days... !

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Eat right for your type

A few weeks before we started with our Comeback Kid challenge on Sleek Geek, my training buddy, Graunt, told me about his recent discovery of the Blood Type Diet.

At first i was a bit skeptical because i thought this was just another fashionable fad that some Hollywood A-lister mentioned in an interview then the whole world went WOW!

But after having done some reading on Dr. Peter DÁdamo's book "Eat Right For Your Type" it all started making sense.

The Blood Type Diet was created by Dr. Peter D’Adamo to help people to become healthier, age gracefully and reach their ideal weight.

The basic premise behind the diet is that your blood type determines how food is metabolized by your body. D’Adamo outlines specific foods to avoid based on your blood type. These are the foods that interact with your blood in such a way that leads to an acidic condition.

When the body becomes too acidic, it can lead to a range of health problems.

So on Saturday morning, the weekend before we started the challenge, I went to have my blood type tested and came back with the results - I'm AB+. 
The AB blood type is thought to be more complicated than the other blood types. It combines some of the vulnerabilities of both the Type A and Type B blood types.

Now to give you a bit of background, I suffer from chronic sinusitis, i cant remember the last time both nostrils were clear at the same time.

Whenever i eat cheese or drink full cream milk, i feel bloated and sick.

Suddenly, Lactose intolerance clicked... and i realised that i should try and avoid dairy.

Being the Afrikaans boerseun that i am, i've always been pretty partial to a good rare steak, but felt ill after eating it, always thinking to myself that i had overindulged.

The list of trigger foods goes on - but Dairy and Meat are two main ones.

Nevertheless, i continued eating a steak or some yoghurt because i like those.

Then, I looked at the food restriction list for Type AB+ and things started making 100% sense.

Each of the food groups are divided into three categories: Highly beneficial ( food that acts like Medicine), Foods allowed (food that are no harm to the blood type) and Foods not allowed (food that acts like a Poison)

Here's a pic of my food restriction list:

Below is a clearer discription of foods Type AB should avoid.

1. Meats to Avoid
This blood type does not have sufficient stomach acid for digesting and metabolizing animal protein. Meats to be avoided by this blood type include chicken, beef, ham, pork, veal and bacon. Recommended protein sources are lamb, rabbit, mutton, turkey, tofu and a wide range of seafood.
Chicken is especially problematic for this blood type because it contains lectin in its muscle tissue that can potentially lead to autoimmune disorders. Turkey can be used to replace chicken as it does not have the same effect.

2. Dairy Products and Health Issues
Individuals with Type AB blood are prone to mucus excess. If this is your blood type, watch for sinus attacks, respiratory issues or ear infections. In that case, you may want to cut out specific diary foods such as butter, American cheese, whole milk, provolone cheese and Parmesan cheese.

3. Type AB Blood and Wheat Products
Type AB individuals should limit their consumption of wheat products. This is especially the case if weight loss is an issue or if you are prone to mucus production. Occasional consumption of wheat products is okay. Better replacements include rye, rice and oats.

4. Fruits to Avoid
Although most fruits are healthy for this blood type, a few should be avoided. Mangoes, bananas and guava, for example, are on the avoid list. Oranges are especially forbidden for this blood type because they irritate the stomach. Grapefruits may be eaten in place of oranges; they have an alkalizing effect in the body after they have been digested.

5. Vegetables to Avoid
Type AB individuals may eat a wide range of vegetables. The ones on the list of foods to be avoided create an acidic condition in the body. The specific vegetables to avoid include avocados, lima beans, radishes, artichokes, green peppers, red peppers and yellow corn.

6. Oils to Eliminate
The highly beneficial oil for this blood type is olive oil. The oils to avoid include corn oil, cottonseed oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil and safflower oil. The oils that have a neutral effect on the body for this blood type are canola oil, peanut oil and linseed oil.

Then, i also found the below - which makes absolute sense when i think of my sinus problem and bloatedness when eating meat.

Type AB do best when their muscle tissues are slightly alkaline. Type ABs can't metabolize meat efficiently because of low stomach acid, so it is important to watch the portion size and frequency. Chicken has lectin that irritates the blood and digestive tracts of Type ABs also. Tofu is a good protein supplements for Type ABs. Nuts, seeds, beans and legumes present a mixed picture for Type ABs. Eat nuts and seeds in small amounts and with caution. 
Type ABs can tolerate dairy foods fairly well. But watch out for excessive mucus production.
Generally Type ABs do well on grains, even wheat, but keep in mind that the inner kernel of the wheat grain is highly acid forming in the muscle for Type ABs. Type AB benefits from a diet rich in rice rather than pasta. 

Type ABs has a weaker immune system, so you will benefit from the vegetables, which are high in phytocheicals and the more alkaline fruits, which can help to balance the grains that are acid forming in the muscle tissues. Tomatoes do not impose any ill effects on Type ABs. 

So with all this in mind, I've taken on this challenge, i've drastically adjusted my diet and I'll definitely keep you up to date with the progress on these improvements. 

Watch this space.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Elle Woods on excercise...


*This blog post was created and posted one day before the tragic shooting incident involving Oscar Pistorius. This was in no way my reaction to the event and is purely coincidental.

Dear Personal Trainer...

So this morning Graunt and i were working up a sweat on day 3 of our Comeback Kid challenge, when i noticed something that made me quite angry, actually...

I was observing how a personal trainer, who obviously gets paid by the hour, was standing around his client, constantly looking at his phone, not ONCE looking at the client training technique, his form or how he was doing what he's doing completely wrong!

The client, i'd guess in their early 60's, was doing extended leg curls on a machine, the weight obviously set very low, and as he moved his legs up and down in an uncontrolled manner, the bar that comes over your shins, was bouncing up and down, basically hopping back onto his shins.

The trainer was much more interested in his text conversation and idle chit chat with other members, but this just made me question whether a personal trainer is really worth it then - if THAT is the caliber of trainer available? 

Look, i know there are some really GOOD ones out there, but can we please at least just set a standard then?

I'd be interested to see what results this poor old man has after spending hours and weeks and lots of money on a trainer who clearly has no interest in his client's form and technique. It is his job after all, isn't it?

And then, dont even get me started on the fat trainers...

Pushing Through!

A little red in the face... but we're pushing through!

New Shoes!

One of the great benefits of entering the Sleek Geek Comeback Kid Challenge, is that you get great discount on an awesome pair of shoes.

Order placed - Now waiting for the shipment.

Thanks Reebok!

Day 3 - Sleep when you're dead!

My alarm is set for 5am - early, i know - but i use this great iPhone app called "Motion X - Sleep" that monitors and analyzes your sleep cycles, it wakes you up refreshed and rested at the optimal time in your sleep cycle and it shows you your sleep pattern, the amount of hours in light sleep, deep sleep and total sleep times.

By using this app, i've started noticing an immediate improvement on my energy levels - especially because i was the guy who normally slept till 8h15, jumped in the shower, got changed and dashed to the office by 09h00... resulting in me sleeping TOO much, feeling rushed too early in the morning and just made me overall lazy.

Now that i'm sleeping with this Sleep Monitor, i wake up feeling refreshed and rested - definitely a recommendation if you want to keep track of your sleep patterns and still want a good night's rest.

This has however also forced me to start going to bed a lot earlier.

Normally, i'd be up watching TV or reading something on my iPad easily till midnight - or 1am... but because i'm quite set on my sleep, i knew that going to bed past midnight and having to get up at 5am is only gonna kill me...

So now i try prep all my stuff the night before. Measure out my shakes, scoop out some pre-work out into a glass to drink as i wake up, pack my gym back and set out my clothes.

All this takes about 10 minutes of my time before bed but it avoids me having to rush at 5am when i'm still half asleep.

So today started on a good note. We did back exercises. A 10 minute warm-up on a bike, A good 1 1/2 hours on the floor and then i spent another 15 minutes after doing a fast paced walk finished off with 5 minutes of running at 13km/h on the treadmill.

I have a great selection of music on my iPod for that reason.

Obviously, training with Graunt does not only allows us to focus on the training, but we also get to talk about business, have a good catch up on gossip and motivate each other during this time. 

I'd strongly recommend getting a training partner who understands technique, who's patient and who's willing to show you the right way.

Go buddy Graunt!

Watch this space,

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What's in my fridge

One of the biggest life-style challenges my entire life has been my relationship with food.

Firstly, i'm an emotional eater. When i'm happy, i eat. When i'm sad, i eat. When i'm bored, i eat.

But then, i've also had days where i can go for an entire day without eating. Skipping breakfast and lunch - only to fill my pie-hole with everything i can see in my fridge when i get home from work in the evening.

I also love good food. I don't like bland, tasteless food - and normally, this results in me loading my food with salt...

Not to mention the consumption of fast food in the past... I lived in the US for a while... Burger King, Mc Donalds, Wendy's, Jumping Jack... the list goes on...

The shit thing is though - Junk food is so much CHEAPER than quality, healthy, fresh food...  which explains why such a large portion of the (both American and South African) population are overweight.

If only i knew back then what effects this would have on me later in life, i would have avoided it at all cost.

Luckily for me, a year or so ago i watched both "Supersize Me" as well as "Food Inc." - Two documentaries that changed how i feel about junk food.

Then, my love for a good bottle of expensive wine... and that, also, not always in moderation.

In the last year or so though, i did cut down on my alcohol consumption quite drastically especially because of my "Dont drink and drive" pledge.

I have in recent months gotten into the habit of cooking healthy meals at home though - but when i opened my fridge two nights ago, all i found was wine, condiments, some eggs, apples and a yoghurt.

At the moment, i'm busy researching the blood-type diet based on Dr. Peter D'Adamo's book "Eat right for your blood type".

Based on my AB+ blood type, i'm meant to eat very specific types of food. Less meats, more vegetables.

With this information, i'm putting together a shopping list and meal plan for the next 8 weeks and let's see where this takes us. Fad or Fab - but we'll get rid of the flab!

Watch this space,