
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What moves you...?

Since i started this blog a few weeks ago, quite a few people have come up to me to say that they've ready my blog and that they quite like the way it's written and how it motivates them.

I guess, in some way, that was the intention behind it all.

Not only does it serve as a reminder to myself about this Sleek Geek journey i'm on, but it's also to inspire others by sharing what i'm going through on both a physical- and emotional level.

There are so many inspirational stories on the Sleek Geek site but this past weekend, i ran into an ex colleague, who inspired ME!

I havent seen him in a while, but when i bumped into him at a birthday party on Saturday, I barely recognised him.

Kyle had lost an astonishing 35kg's!

When i asked him why, he told me the truth. He needed to!

And as hard as the reality he faced was, he sure made a GREAT job of it... and again, it proved, if HE can, then so can I !!!

Just like my other blog, - which is my journey of self-discovery and recovery from a difficult phase in my life, I can only hope to inspire others through sharing my story.

My story might not be as drastic from overly obese to thin in 8 weeks, and I have no intention of calling myself a 'bodybuilder' after this - but my story is an honest, objective account of what Average Joe experiences during challenges like these.

Me, working at it, this morning at gym...

Oprah once said that her constant prayer for herself is to be used in service for the greater good... And i share that sentiment.

Everything in my instinct tells me that I should be doing something, I should be lending a hand.

I should be sharing my story, I should listen to others and i should help make a change where i can.

And i think Elan has hit the nail on the head with Sleek Geek. His goal is to inspire 100 000 South Africans to transform themselves and lead a better quality life.

I'm only one of 100 000 but judging by the followers on Twitter and Facebook and the interaction between the Sleek Geek community, that goal is very achievable.

You've all read about my bad days. My fat and ugly days. But you've read about my good days too. The days where i saw change. Where i felt it...

That is what moves me. To share this with others out there, who like me, have often felt that they're alone in this and wanted to give up but pushed through - because we can!

So, ask yourself. What moves you?

What makes you get up in the morning to go to gym? What makes you choose that healthy meal over junk food? What pushes you to pick up a weight slightly heavier than the day before.

I look forward to looking back at this challenge...

Like Gandhi said... "Be the change you want to see in the world..."

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