
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"But i dont wanna..."

As per my Video Diary post this morning, I really struggled to get myself going today. To get out of bed, to wake up properly, to get myself motivated to get into the car and go to gym...

I had a brief moment where i had one shoe on and the other shoe off and i was like... "But i dont wanna..."

Then i looked myself in the mirror, pulled myself together, got into the car and had a good work-out.

I think, like most things in life, you need time to adjust to a change in routine.

New habits, apparently, take 21 days to form.

About 50% of our everyday lives is habitual. While we're awake, then, about half the time we are repeating the same actions or thoughts in the same contexts. Automatically. Without thinking.

It's part of the reason change is so hard.

So here i was, normally sleeping till 8am and grabbing pizzas and beers with my mates in down-time... or just watching some TV...  And here I'm now - actually changing my routine on a larger scale.

I've changed my sleeping patters, my diet, my gym routine (or the lack thereof...), my social life... all to become a little more focused on the results I'm trying to achieve here.

Considering that I'm only in the early parts of week two of the challenge, I completely understand where this "But i dont wanna" thing came from.

It hasn't become a habit yet.

But after training this morning and getting the endorphins flowing, I felt better and was glad that I actually made it to gym.

The reality is, habits are easier to make than they are to break. If you repeat a behavior often enough, those synaptic pathways are going to get worn in. The human brain is a very adaptive piece of machinery.

So here's to tomorrow... Let's make this a habit!

Watch this space,

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