
Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 5 - And we're going strong!

Human minds are the funniest thing...

At the end of Day 1 of the Comeback Kid Challenge, i looked in the mirror and i was like "what the hell... I got up at 5am, was in gym by 6am...and i still look fat..."

Somehow i expected overnight results - after one day... Silly, yes, i know... What made it worse was that i weighed myself that first morning of the challenge, and weighed 1.5kg's more than what i did a week earlier...

Did i honestly expect a result? No.

Did i feel like quitting? No.

Was i excited about the rest of the week? Yes!

So this made me think about other people giving up on challenges like these.

Is it because they expect results too soon? How soon is too soon? And by WHEN can you expect results?

Needless to say, i pushed through and finished day 5's training session this morning...

Afterwards i went for a shower, looked myself in the mirror and noticed slight changes in the outlines of my body. All of a sudden, there were little curves and bumps where it was just flat before.

Instead of a straight down upper body, there was a slight V...

Instead of a bloated tummy, it appeared flatter...

Instead of flat shoulders, they were rounded...

All of this within 5 days of training correctly with good form and technique and eating properly...

The thing is to keep yourself motivated. How do i do that?

Well, firstly, having Graunt as my training buddy helps a LOT!

Secondly, interacting with others Sleek Geekers on the Facebook page makes me feel that i'm not alone in this.

And then thirdly... I feel better about myself already! That alone is good enough motivation!

The first 5 days have been good. I've made a few very big changes in my daily routine: I wake up a whole 3 hours earlier, I go to gym daily, I've adjusted my eating habits and avoid unhealthy choices and I get to bed earlier.

I'm looking forward to what the next week has in store!

Go Geeks GO!

LS x

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