
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I guess no pain, no gain...

I started picking up heavier weights again yesterday and this morning - and believe me, i can feel it!

My shoulders, back, chest and arms are in such pain today that even a simple task like getting dressed turns out to be a rather painful exercise.

And then there are shin splits too from swapping the treadmill for an outdoor run this morning. I didnt think the difference between running indoor vs running out on a grass track would be so severe - but it's quite something let me tell you!

Even with my new Reebok Zigtech trainers, i could feel every single bump on the track... but then again, it was pretty cool to take in some fresh morning air so early in the morning.

As we're about to end Week 3 in 2 days' time, i need to start focusing on my diet a lot more seriously...

I've been good in terms what i eat - but I think i need to be a LOT more strict.

Cooking at home - and cooking for one - tends to be a bit of a frustration for me because it either means that i'm eating the same meal 5 times a week - or that good fresh food gets chucked away and wasted because i dont consume it fast enough.

I've been thinking about trying out a company called Lean Food Works to do weekly personal meal planning and catering for me... Check out their website if you, like me, are struggling to keep up with the demands of a strict eating routine.

So, with all the complaining out of the way - I think the only way to look at it is by realising that you will never know your limits unless you push yourself to them.

Happy Hump Day!


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