
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What's in my fridge

One of the biggest life-style challenges my entire life has been my relationship with food.

Firstly, i'm an emotional eater. When i'm happy, i eat. When i'm sad, i eat. When i'm bored, i eat.

But then, i've also had days where i can go for an entire day without eating. Skipping breakfast and lunch - only to fill my pie-hole with everything i can see in my fridge when i get home from work in the evening.

I also love good food. I don't like bland, tasteless food - and normally, this results in me loading my food with salt...

Not to mention the consumption of fast food in the past... I lived in the US for a while... Burger King, Mc Donalds, Wendy's, Jumping Jack... the list goes on...

The shit thing is though - Junk food is so much CHEAPER than quality, healthy, fresh food...  which explains why such a large portion of the (both American and South African) population are overweight.

If only i knew back then what effects this would have on me later in life, i would have avoided it at all cost.

Luckily for me, a year or so ago i watched both "Supersize Me" as well as "Food Inc." - Two documentaries that changed how i feel about junk food.

Then, my love for a good bottle of expensive wine... and that, also, not always in moderation.

In the last year or so though, i did cut down on my alcohol consumption quite drastically especially because of my "Dont drink and drive" pledge.

I have in recent months gotten into the habit of cooking healthy meals at home though - but when i opened my fridge two nights ago, all i found was wine, condiments, some eggs, apples and a yoghurt.

At the moment, i'm busy researching the blood-type diet based on Dr. Peter D'Adamo's book "Eat right for your blood type".

Based on my AB+ blood type, i'm meant to eat very specific types of food. Less meats, more vegetables.

With this information, i'm putting together a shopping list and meal plan for the next 8 weeks and let's see where this takes us. Fad or Fab - but we'll get rid of the flab!

Watch this space,

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